Include Puerto Vallarta’s Rivers in our Hearts on Valentines’ Day

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Would you like to see our rivers, and then our oceans, air and mountains be as majestically clear, as they were during Covid? You’ll see WE have that power, especially on high vibed Valentines Day, Feb 14th thru giving some love to our rivers of waters, proven by a Nobel Prize winner to have memory, and by Japan’s Dr Emoto, to have feelings. In 2009, “the UN declared Mother Earth is a living feeling being and we are all interconnected.” (Sec Gen Ban ki-moon.)

Colorado’s Joanie Klar, part of our team that helped bring the Utes back to their Aspen ancestral mountains to ski and give gratitude to Mother Earth again through snowdances ending droughts, is inviting us, through “Aspen Earth Law,” to include Rivers in our hearts on Valentine’s Day. Share this with your sweethearts with loving words, a poem, sing a song, make a painting, a dance, urge schools to join, and Boldly Act, especially urging leaders to giving our Rivers “Personhood Rights” in your town.

The strongest action would be to follow Ecuador that pioneered giving Rivers Rights into their Constitution. In 2011, a provincial court ruled in favor of the Vilcabamba River against polluters, so Mother Nature’s plants, animals and people who were being poisoned, could again enjoy vibrant health, as our bodies (60%, children 65%) and Nature are mainly water.

When I praised journalist Norie Huddle for Ecuador’s landmark of giving Rivers Rights she sent me her story of how they slalomed around its challenges. That made it easier for New Zealand to give legal rights to their Whanganui River, Columbia its Atrato River, and India its Ganges and Yamuna Rivers. (See: Should rivers have the same rights as people? | Environment-The Guardian)

In 2007, on high vibrational Valentine’s Day, when our team asked millions to also include Mother Earth in our hearts, to our shock and awe it helped restore snow to Europe suffering from their “warmest winter in 1,250 years.” Our Chief European advisor, French Princess Caroline Murat, gushed that “It started snowing within 48 hours. Please thank the Native Elders.” Two weeks later she reported, “When you sent their Gratitude Prayer, the headlines were, ‘Spring Skiing is booming in the Alps’.”

How? Through our Native American Climate Action Foundation. I had the crazy idea of organizing a ceremony to help our European friends, as we are ONE, on Valentines’ Day. So on powerful sacred Mt Shasta, Elder Skywalker led a sincere little ceremony, joined in solidarity by 2,500 UN Earth Charter Cities doing a prayer by my co-chair Woodie Vaspra (Hawaiian), President of the World Council of Elders. Then the Shasta youth, leaders and I enjoyed a fun ski day donated by their wise owners.

See more details of 50 Snowdance Miracles in Press – 45 I orchestrated, including restoring snow to the 2002 Utah Olympics at SLOC’s request, then Vancouver 2010. Learning that tribes have been preventing droughts and massive wildfires for eons through snowdances while researching Tinkerbell, Disney pioneered one at ski areas to save Tahoe’s snowless 1960 Olympics with 11 feet, which made the cover of TIME Magazine. Our foundation then enlightened ski areas to host Native youth and snowdances since 1996.

Aspen Earth Law is now also working on giving their Roaring Fork River rights, roaringly applauded by their fish, animals and communities. This is something all communities could and should do, including Puerto Vallarta’s three main rivers, the Cuale, Pitillal and the longest, Ameca, near Nayarit.

Puerto Vallarta is ripe for River Rights since more and more old and new Vallarteneses care about our rivers, and are clearing our river banks and beaches of plastic, businesses are reducing plastic bags, and our University of Guadalajara’s Marine Biology Dept is helping mitigate Industrial and AG pollutants naturally, which is having an impact.

Yet mucho more action is needed. So through the loving prayer power of millions on Valentine’s Day, on top of the Aztecs in Puerto Vallarta (and tribes around the world) doing daily ceremonies, we can help turn our beloved Banderas Bay turquoise again and restore our half dead coral fish nurseries here and globally, which will also help restore snow up North.

Our Aztec group even has an annual oceandance welcoming home the Humpbacks from the Arctic each year, with songs and giving flowers to Mother Ocean, coincidentally on my Nov 29 birthday. Added to President Claudia Scheinbaum, who shifted Mexico to 35% Renewables, (compared to 20% Canada and U.S., why we have the most fires), I have seen more Humpbacks jumping for joy in Banderas Bay than I have in years, cheering us on to enhance the health of generations of Mother Earth’s children and life forms.

We have Germany, Pope Benedict and Native Americans to thank for planting the seeds for River Rights in 2003. Iroquois Elder Robert John walked down Italy’s Po River to Rome with representatives of seven countries, while singing love songs to Creator and Nature like St Francis did, (the most beloved Saint for also following Jesus’ example), to then meet with the Pontiff. And hallelujah, he boldly “Declared it a sin to poison the water.” His bishops then excommunicated river polluters in Sicily. Germany has the strictest water laws following Ancient Egypt, why they had the longest Civilization – 3,000 years – next to the Indigenous.

Pope Francis then boldly stood with the Lakotas-Dakotas, to protect them and the whole NW from being poisoned by the (always oil leaking) XL Pipeline, which empowered Biden to shut it down.

The Green Pope also made an Apology Tour to Canada’s First Nations in 2022, for similar boarding school abuses and murders, at the request of a victim turned Nobel Prize nominee, Chief Willie Littlechild. The Pope also joined the Elders in Earth-healing ceremonies, a first in 2000 years! That happened after he learned that I made a pilgrimage to St Francis’ cave in Assisi after a seer told me she saw the spirit of St Francis behind me. Having the same guide, the Pope asked Willie, our board member, and me what he could do to make amends.

For another amends, we are asking the Pope to urge his world flock of 2.5 billion Catholics plus Christians and all faiths to include our Rivers in our hearts this Valentine’s day, and urge their leaders to boldly help our Rivers Rock again with rights. This goes hand in hand with the Pontiff urging the world to “shift to Renewables to prevent immense suffering,” since it would keep our waterways purer to protect all the animals, forests and AG to turn around our “Extinction.” (Stanford)

Given 35 million Americans are already short on groceries, and we’re doing better than most other countries, which Trump vowed to improve, COP29’s President at Baku said, “Worsening Climate Impacts Will Put Inflation on Steroids…, unless every country takes bolder action.” Ian Parker, leader of the U.S. Delegation following IOC President Thomas Bach, told Chief Littlechild that he loved our Snowdance Climate solution. For that solution and our FREE Renewable power solution, I was honored at the Paris Olympics.

A donation of $10,000 for LA’s holy Mt Baldy to host Native youth, which inspires the Elders to lead snowdances, could have prevented LA’s Apocalyptic Fire. They forgot how the tribes saved them from their “7 Year Drought” in 2004, with the “most snow in 150 years.” In 2008, Stanford-Aspen SkiCo’s Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Stephen Schneider Praised Tribal Snow … dances, and urged world ski areas to host Native youth and snowdances, critical to filling up rivers and reservoirs globally. Yet COVID dried up most Native American ski-snowdance opportunities when they were needed most.

With the grace of God, LA’s tragedy will wake up more leaders, sponsors, donors to support this snowdance solution. And together with giving Rivers Rights prevent future Fires like LA’s and Hurricanes like Florida’s, each costing $50 Billion to rebuild, and great suffering, as Athens was circled by fires last summer like LA.

Meanwhile Aspen SkiCo is 100% Renewable powered, yet the town’s people still had to evacuate from wildfires twice because a lot more must be done as temperatures are breaking records each year, to ensure security everywhere, possible through fun Olympic-like Teamwork.

As the World’s No 2 Polluter, we also need to shift to mainly Renewable power, like 95% Norway, Trump’s favorite country. It’s FREE now, thanks to Biden making ERA the Law on Jan 17, 2025. Like Norway this will give women Equal Pay that will boost the U.S. economy $4.3 Trillion, and globally $28 Trillion. This can immediately feed families and fund ski areas hosting Native skiers and snowdances before April, to fill up the rivers as hydrologists say that “only years of deep snowpack in the mountains can end decades of droughts.” Plus fund a Renewable-powered U.S. and then World, thanks to our influence.

Imagine Pope Francis also making amends to women for the Inquisition to further improve the Church’s karma, by urging world leaders to give women fair equal pay to quickly fund a Renewable-powered World. In so doing he could further help heal Mother Earth to ensure “snows from the heavens, not a hose” (often with toxins) at Italy’s 2026 Turin Olympics. He’d also heroically help ensure Los Angeles’ 2028 Olympics can safely Rise like the Phoenix. A NASA study found that “The growing Elites in the Roman Empire consumed too much, insulated from the problem, resulting in world famines among commoners, and a collapse. To avoid that fate, we need policies to reduce economic inequality and preserve natural resources.”

That’s how we can do wonders to purify the World’s Rivers and restore our ideal Climate, as the Elders say our weather is a reflection of our thoughts, words, actions or inactions. This was exemplified by our team of gifted Elders and Multi-faith Earth Healers who led a prayer for the “Joy and Safety of Olympians” during their high vibed Paris Opening Ceremonies. It helped create a wave of “crazy love” that helped heal and purify Mother Earth, which inspired global snows also returning to Europe and Asia after 3 dry years. To help that snowball, keep giving Mother Earth gratitude each time it snows, as like most women, She is even more generous.

Like Physicists, the Dalai Llama explained how each of us has power: Just as a pebble dropped in water ripples, actions of individuals can have far reaching effects. Together we can even have fun creating a wondrous, heart-centered world through giving love and rights to Rivers on V Day.


Suzy Chaffee, a former Olympic skier who helped invent dancing down mountains, has turned activist, journalist, filmmaker, and has worked with seven U.S. Presidents. She is now co-chairman of a non-profit partnership of the Elders of the Americas and Olympians, called the Native American Climate Action Foundation, which aims to heal Mother Earth for all our children through joyful sports and education. For more information, contact Suzy at suzynativevoices(at), or visit and donate at Colorado non-profit EIN 99-3581441

What a surprise as I thought Americans and Canadians lost completely their links with the ancient roots, knowledge and traditions of the original inhabitants, so thanks for sharing and all your efforts. --Eduardo de la Barrera, Latin American

NAOTF’s inspiring work is helping bring racial harmony to America.”       -- President Bill Clinton

“As co-founder and Vice Chair of the U.S. House of Representative’s Native American Caucus (60 members), congratulations on your Native American Millennial Ski events. It’s heartening to know that there are groups like yours across America that are working to better the lives of their Indian friends and neighbors."     --Patrick Kennedy, Member of Congress 

"Congratulations on all the efforts of Native American Olympic Team Foundation. All of us at Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation hope that the success of our "Future Ute Olympians Program" (taught by Billy's Olympic coaches) will stimulate other resorts and towns to host Native American youth for ski and snowboarding experiences. If we may be of further help in spreading the word, please let us know." --Chris Diamond, President, and Billy Kidd, Director of Skiing