THANKSGIVING for this Global Snow Miracle! 

Let’s also give gratitude for the 1st Thanksgiving when our Native Americans shared their bounty with the pure-hearted Puritans, creating a love affair for the first 50 years.  Our tribes then gave us their equal Democracy, this Snowdance Climate Hail Mary and Turkey Tradition!  

Bless our Olympic, Ski and Native Family for the “wave of crazy love” after your prayers for the “Joy and Safety of Olympians on Opening Ceremonies Day at Paris,”  then giving gratitude. WE helped inspire snows in direly droughted Europe, Asia, Canada, U.S., as well as rains (in famined) Africa, and Central America, why the migrations.   Bumper snowfall arrives in the Alps, as ski resorts open … ” after two years without snow.

Continuing my job as  Olympic Skier Suzy Chaffee Endorsed for IOC Climate Action Award – at Paris (Mex News), now is another powerful time to inspire it to SNOWBALL all winter by giving a little gratitude to Mother Earth for Her (say “gentle”) snows and rains each time, as all our ancient ancestors did.  That’s because like most women, our Earth Mother is even more generous.  Or if direly needed, give Her thanks in advance for the snow, rain, or sun, or host a gratitude snowdance with our tribes. 

Also Great News, our board’s Nobel Prize nominee Canada’s Chief Willi Littlechild got back from Baku’s COP29 UN Climate Summit and said “I presented our Snowdance Climate Solution at meetings with Ian Parker, head of the U.S. Delegation there, after meeting in Paris with IOC President Bach and two world Indigenous organizations. And they all loved it!” 

Hallelujah!  Bold Action MUST follow NOW as there are just over 50 days left before Nov 20’s Inauguration day.  The Paris Olympic Joy saved France’s Democracy yet a few more Americans voted for a Climate Denier.  But there’s Hope they’ll see the light as Republicans own most ski areas and (R) Walt Disney pioneered snowdances that saved Tahoe’s 1960 Olympics with 11 ft (TIME). The Trumps and Senator Mitt Romney ski, and he said the U.S. should be climate leaders.  His SLOC asked me to organize a snowdance that restored snow to Utah’s 2002 Games mid ceremony. And a Trump voter with a Vail condo is helping us most.  And 2 million (R) podcast listeners and 50 million BBC Radio listeners also loved our plan.  Teamwork is key!

All you need to do is now enjoy these snowblessings and give gratitude!  But if you want to be bolder to ensure your children’s bright future, and have some connections with Ski, Washington or press leaders, here’s the dead serious fastest way to help get a fraction of the $50 Billion that Biden wisely gave Sec of AG Tom Vilsack to Prevent Droughts and Wildfires, and only Snowdances stop the droughts that cause the wildfires.  

We are calling on those with influence to help make a last ditch attempt to get that emergency funding from Sec Vilsack for struggling ski areas to host at least ONE day (of up to 30) Native youth and a snowdance, especially in the hot spots, given our data, 50 Snowdance Miracles in Press– 45 I organized. Remember its backed by Stanford’s Nobel Prize winner, U.N. and NSAA President Michael Berry.  Bjorn Dahl, ret director of Western Forestry and Kirkwood ski area told us to ask Vilsack in 2022, to also save our forests to stop melting our snow.  These are the highest temps ever since Canada found “Wildfires heated B.C. 2-3X more than fossil fuels,” and hydrologists say only years of deep snowpack in the mountains can end decades of droughts, especially since most ski ops dried up during Covid when needed most.  

Ski area leaders, including Rusty Gregory, of Alterra’s 12 resorts like Mammoth, and tribes called it “fantastic.”    Elders say “Skiing and boarding do the most to prevent suicides and addictions so they reach for the sky,” like our Native Olympic Hopeful now MD, thanks to Billy Kidd and David Ingemie.

Since it takes world teamwork to cool the planet, this U.S. ski areas-tribal snowdance solution has the best chance to ripple globally to save billions of trees that the world’s youth are madly replanting to save themselves, thanks to IOC’s Prince Albert, as Germany’s youth leader told the UN Assembly that adults are talking instead of acting.   To also save their Olympics including at LA and Utah, here is our plan we are asking the IOC, America’s COP29 delegation and enlightened DC leaders to Boldly ACT on, with the gracious help of our tribes and Chief Littlechild’s World Indigenous Games leaders:  

1. We need help insisting that Biden, on behalf of U.S. and 15 million youth of Heidi Little’s UN World’s Children Month (thanks to prophetic Lakota Chief Arvol and Paula Lookinghorse), the Olympics and snowsports, call Vilsack or his boss Sec of Interior Deb Haaland (Laguna SW ski leaders) to allocate that funding to our ski areas immediately,

2. We need to follow FDR’s strategy for winning WWll, who declaring Emergency War Powers and gave women equal pay and childcare to build the armaments and grow enough food.  He then asked all Americans to pray on our D Day Victory Eve. guided by a medium (History Ch).

Since bi-partisan Secretaries of Defense and Treasuries say “Climate is more of a threat the all our wars combined,”  Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer urged Biden to Declare a National Climate Emergency with those Powers in 2020.  Because Climate Guardians need to be as Bold as Climate Deniers, Biden needs to immediately give women fair Equal Pay to save Nature and us all.  That would boost our economy $4.3 Trillion to fund a Renewable-powered America like Norway, and on-going snowdances, like their Sami, so both can ripple since McKinsey: Women Equality to Boost World GDP” by $28 Trillion –TIME cover)   VP Harris said Child Credits during Covid cut poverty in half and European women loved her easiest way to get it enforced to get the fastest biggest boost to all the struggling world economies.   The alternative is COP29’s President warning at Baku, “Worsening Climate Impacts Will Put Inflation on Steroids … unless every country takes bolder climate action.”

NASA’s study found “No one saw the collapse of the Roman Empire coming, mainly from the growing Elites consuming too much, insulated from the problem, resulting in world famines among Commoners that led to society collapse. To avoid their fate today, we’ll need policies to reduce economic inequality and preserve natural resources.” Here’s How NASA Thinks Society Will Collapse (BBC)

So better yet, Biden-Harris need to boldly enshrine ERA (Equal Rights) into the Constitution with its fair Equal Pay to feed struggling Americans now, restore the health of half our workforce, our women, while safeguarding Social Security, forgiving student loans so more women and youth can run for office to stop the school shootings, and restore bodily rights as most Republican women also voted for, as the Constitution guarantees the right of all Americans to the pursuit of Happiness, like leader Norway.

Then you’ll also see magnificent wonders that dwarf Covid’s amazing air and water transformations so generations sing your praise…     

With Mountains of Love, Appreciation and Joy  

Suzy Chaffee, and our extraordinary Native American Climate Action Foundation Team, 323 4933877,, Colorado non profit EIN 99-358144  (we also need a hand for these emergency DC meetings, now that you’ve seen the power of sincere prayer that many of you helped inspire.)

PS Since the weather is a reflection of our thoughts, emotions and actions (especially amends)  in these confusing pivotal times, and since FDR consulted with “America’s Prophet” Edgar Cayce, a medium (like Wilson and Reagan who brought down the Iron Curtain), and Patricia Coda Robles who channels the Company of Heaven, was part of our Opening Ceremonies prayer team, you may love her VLOG 47 – INFINITE LOVE AND GRATITUDE FROM OUR FATHER-MOTHER GOD



So before the January 20 Inauguration we are trying to get Biden and Harris to BOLDLY help restore our climate while making good on helping heal Native Americans from our history of abuse on their special Month, and the promise to our youth to restore our Climate, by our leaders just calling Sec Vilsack to Now fund the Snowdance solution, that have ended droughts that cause the fires for eons.  Or thru Coach Walz (who taught at the Lakota rez), U.S. Delegations Ian Parker, former Super Speaker Nancy Pilosi (surrounded by fires in CA), or our new National Ski Areas President Mike Reitzell or Chair Chuck Siemens could call Vilsack or his boss, Sec of Interior Deb Haaland (Laguna pueblo – our SW Native ski leader) to help us fund this before the allocated $$ get reallocated to drilling after Jan 20.  Let’s Fight for our children so with our influence and foreigners love for our Native Americans, it will ripple worldwide to Boldly restore Paradise for FREE NOW.

What a surprise as I thought Americans and Canadians lost completely their links with the ancient roots, knowledge and traditions of the original inhabitants, so thanks for sharing and all your efforts. --Eduardo de la Barrera, Latin American

NAOTF’s inspiring work is helping bring racial harmony to America.”       -- President Bill Clinton

“As co-founder and Vice Chair of the U.S. House of Representative’s Native American Caucus (60 members), congratulations on your Native American Millennial Ski events. It’s heartening to know that there are groups like yours across America that are working to better the lives of their Indian friends and neighbors."     --Patrick Kennedy, Member of Congress 

"Congratulations on all the efforts of Native American Olympic Team Foundation. All of us at Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation hope that the success of our "Future Ute Olympians Program" (taught by Billy's Olympic coaches) will stimulate other resorts and towns to host Native American youth for ski and snowboarding experiences. If we may be of further help in spreading the word, please let us know." --Chris Diamond, President, and Billy Kidd, Director of Skiing